Should you purchase any of the following packages, then ongoing email support is free, until the point where we agree that a further piece of work might be needed.
If you are a Somerset SENCO, then any email support is free regardless of previous purchases. Again, if the query is more complex, I may suggest that a purchased package of support would be the next recommended step.
Please contact me through the contact form at the foot of this page.
This package includes a full, official dyslexia assessment that meets the standards required by governing bodies. As part of this, information from parents, teachers and the student will be gathered, a 2 hour assessment carried out in school, followed by a 1 hr feedback to you and the parents. You will then receive a formal report that contains all the scores and recommendations for interventions and provision.
Once this assessment is completed, it should never need to be repeated as it meets the current regulations for the official diagnosis of dyslexia and for DSA applications at University. This is evidenced by my qualifications and professional memberships.
If a formal diagnosis is not required, or if the difficulties are not dyslexic in nature, a specialist assessment can be tailored to help you learn more about your student's profile of strengths and weaknesses. Areas that can be covered include literacy, numeracy, memory, language (including EAL), visual perception and motor skills. The assessment will involve gathering background information, spending up to 1 hour with the student either conducting formal assessments, and informal discussion, a classroom observation or a mixture of all three. Following this, there will be a 1 hour problem solving and feedback session with any adults that you feel are relevant. You will then get a written report containing all scores, observations and recommendations for provision. This package is recommended if an EHCP application might be made in the future.
To complete the Assess, Plan, Do Review cycle, it is good practice to hold a review 3-6 months after an assessment. This package would involve a 1 hour meeting with the relevant adults to review the progress made. If any reassessment is required, then that can also be incorporated into a more bespoke package. Following this review, you will receive a written review for your records.
Following the JCQ guidelines, approved assessments will be undertaken and the relevant section of Form 8 would be completed.
We have a number of training sessions on offer. Choose from one of the below
If none of the above packages meet your needs, then create your own package of support. This could include